SAG delivers life-saving assistance, emergency & medical supplies, safe drinking water, and relief items to help people in the aftermath in pandemic crisis’, natural disasters and conflict / post-conflict zones.
Mobile Aid Bases – Rapidly deployment mobile housing, food (three meals a day), power generation, daily services for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs); and/or mobile mini clinics to facilitate medical experts in support of pandemic response.
Extraction & Rescue Teams – Coordinate and manage response, working with USG and global leaders, international aid & relief agencies, to coordinate and assist in the rescue and transport of at risk peoples targeted for persecution or death, from hostile zones to safe havens. SAG’s experience working in difficult environments provides the knowledge and ability to respond to the most difficult situations after a disaster has occurred.
Early Warning Detection Systems (EWD) – Training and team building for host nations to develop and implement regional & national EWD programs for prevention or response to disasters (eg, natural, acts of terror, civil unrest, et al).
Conventional Weapons Destruction & Demilitarization – Provide complete project support to programs which are developed to destroy or render safe, surplus weapons and munitions. SAG management team has overseen the destruction of over 100,000 tons of munitions.
Battle Area Clearance – Provide projects aimed to transfer land back to the public with unexploded ordinance known to be in the area. Projects managed include the safe recovery of all identifiable UXO available for safe removal of a large depot which had been destroyed.
Physical Security and Stockpile Management – Provide services in preventing tragedies by keeping munitions, ammunition, and weapons in safe and secure areas, evaluating the construction of the buildings or structures, security of the site, and public safety concerns. This includes the storage plan for various types of ammunition, munitions, and weapons to ensure minimal risk from site accidents.
Humanitarian Mine Action – SAG services include Humanitarian Mine Action Programs that are developed to protect victims of conflicts around the world and generate conditions for the return of refugees and/or displaced persons to safe environments. Training is a large portion of our Humanitarian Mine Action services.
Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Operations – SAG provides programs which increase awareness of the IED in areas, personnel trained in counter IED (CIED) and IED defeat (IEDD) procedures and tactics.
Management Consulting – SAG has extensive experience in delivering consulting services for security international projects. Our staff has developed multi-layered security centers involving multiple countries with different languages from inception to completion. SAG provides full project management on projects involving geospatial development, data collection, analysis, and report production.
Administrative Functions – Our services in administrative functions include international purchases, navigating complicated tax regulations, audit services in difficult environments, and general accounting functions.
Professional Services – SAG’s professional services capabilities include process improvement and efficiency improvement for foreign government establishments. C-suite consulting from former Cabinet rank officials capable of advising clients on maximizing organizational output. Cyber Security operations are included in our improvement operations within the establishments as needed.